How #KickVic actually #KickStartedVic

Cressidia Andrew Holmes
4 min readDec 4, 2019

How the reckoning of a man’s career ultimately triggered his renaissance

OPINION — Taking a moment to look back over the past year, and what a year it’s been, for anime fans and specifically fans of Vic Mignogna.

After having arguably the largest anime cinematic release in North America last December, the scene at large was turned upside-down with the sudden and questionable accusations being made on social media about Mignogna.

After a series of unsubstantiated rumors began to circulate social media, Mignogna found himself ousted from both Funimation and Rooster Teeth, being forced to leave behind the bulk of his career characters in Broly (Dragonball Z) and Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist), among others.

The fallout was swift, and unrelenting; dozens of conventions began pulling invites and the voice actor’s prospects of getting work began to seem bleak.

Sometimes it’s the things that take us out of our comfort zone, that challenge us to be better than who we ever were before…

Only less than twelve months later, Mignogna is seeing an unprecedented showing of support from fans, conventions and studios — in an era of cancel culture where such a thing has been largely unheard of.

Some may say after the career that Vic Mignogna has had, it would have been a better time to ride off into the sunset, while he still had the memories. Others would have preferred to see him quietly fade into obscurity. Though, there is a case to be made that the most vocal behind the #KickVic movement have driven Mignogna to not only “kick back”, but trigger a renaissance for his career.

“That’s right, you cannot revive the dead.”

In the curious case for Vic Mignogna, he was a voice actor at (arguably) the pinnacle of his acting career. Primed for a comfortable position, in a company that doesn’t ever truly have appreciated what he’s meant for it.

Though, it appears that life had other plans for him.

Doing the comfortable things over the years can lead to complacency, and for some, that is a perfectly acceptable way to quietly fade into the backdrop — though each of us hold varied beliefs, one things remains true in that nothing can be expected to remain forever.

From the dearth of tact being shown by his former colleagues, regarding his personal life — we have been shown much about a stranger’s life, and some salacious actions that have been taken over a long career. While there has been little-to-none in the way of evidence being shown of anything remotely criminal, it is plain to see that some of the actions that had been taken apper to have been borne from such complacency.

It was time for a change.

Change can be subtle, and it can be voluntary; change can also be violent and out of complete nothing.

Though, what one does with that opportunity is what defines that person’s character. Much like the people that these voice actors portray, each are dealt their own blows and the best stories are the ones with development.

Mignogna could have just as easily given up. Surely, the trust in his friends and his faith had been rattled, but perhaps this was the universe itself — a higher power, intervening.

Instead, he chose to make a stand and attempt to make something of what was left, and here he stands less-a-year later, galvanized fans at his back. He is being brought in to different conventions, new areas that he hadn’t reached before. Having the opportunity to reach fans, new and old, that previously couldn’t visit him.

He has been a beacon of patience, and an advocate for kindness — all the while, enduring endless amounts of criticism from detractors.

Despite his flaws, Mignogna is being afforded a new path. One that has seems to have renewed his sense of direction, and sparked movements on both sides of him — that power that is rarely seen in his industry.

“Because we’re not gods, we’re humans. Tiny, insignificant humans.”

For many who have been passionately following this story as it unfolds, one thing is being discovered true: the voices of their favorite actors on screen, are not gods; they are just human.

Many of us resist change, because it’s something we fear. It’s something that is new, and unknown. We lash out at it because we are happy, we’re comfortable — we are complacent.

Sometimes it’s the things that take us out of our comfort zone, that challenge us to be better than who we ever were before; Those are the fires that temper the mightiest steel.

There is much road left for Mignogna to follow, and for those who continue to support him — they will see where he leads. For those who continue to oppose him, they will see where they motivate him to go.

So, in a funny way — #KickVic have been the white-hot fires that were set to burn Mignogna to coal, and it turns out they might very well be the ones to forge him into his strongest version yet.



Cressidia Andrew Holmes

I am a gender-fluid artist, just floating through space on this rock called Earth. I stream, have opinions about things and am a generally chill person